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Survey Report: Distance Learning in the Philippines

From September 23-30, 2020, iOptions Ventures conducted a nationwide online survey to gather the thoughts and feedback of parents and guardians in the Philippines on the distance learning program being implemented this school year. Questions included their awareness of the distance learning program, their satisfaction with the involved institutions' preparations, and their level of preparedness for its implementation.

A total of 3,644 respondents from all over the country participated in the survey. This study employed convenience sampling due to the current limitations on mobility, which made fieldwork and face-to-face data gathering for representative sampling impractical and risky. With convenience sampling employed for this survey, the researchers used Facebook as its main recruitment channel in order to reach the widest audience. In view of this, results from this nationwide online survey shall not be construed as representative of the general Filipino population.

Below are the highlights of the results. Read the full report here.

When asked what comes to mind when they think of “distance learning”, respondents’ answers revolved around “staying at home”, “studying at home”, and that it will entail being online or using the internet.
7 out of 10 respondents do not have internet connection at home, which may pose a challenge under the distance learning program.
When given the opportunity to choose, over half of the parents/guardians opted for the modular (or offline) method.
9 out of 10 of respondents declared that they will be guiding their children under the distance learning program.
For those who will actively guide their children, the majority (58.9%) reported that they are comfortable in guiding their child/ren for their schooling at home this school year. This may be related to the fact that most of the respondents (76.7%) reported to be at least high school graduates.
Regarding the source of assistance they will seek help from, the child’s teacher (31.5%) is the respondents’ (n=3377) top choice. Other top choices are books and reading materials they have at home (22.9%) and searching through the internet (22.2%)
Majority of the respondents (51.81%) claimed that they have satisfactorily prepared for the students’ distance learning this school year, but slightly more say that they are unprepared (27.72%) than those who claim to be prepared (20.47%).
Majority of the respondents (58.9%) support the idea of implementing an academic freeze this school year.


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